About Us - cld-mena

About Us

CareTech Learning and Development (CLD MENA)

CLD Mena is a subsidiary of CareTech Group. Here at CLD Mena our mission is to enable others to become their best versions. We adapt and innovate sustainable solutions that match organizational objectives delivering results you desire. Transformation require dependable partners, and we strive to be that. Our goal is to create an eco-system which encourages continuous and sustainable learning & development.


"Believe in your infinite potential. Your only limitations are those you set upon yourself.” If there ever was a quote that embodied our story, this would be it. Over the past 12 years, our team has experienced this time and time again. We offer transformation services to our customers and help them achieve their best versions. During this process we found that we continue to evolve and become better ourselves. We have always believed in continuous learning and development and our team has internalized this in everything we do. Our directors, Omar Hayat and Masam Ali Malik, have been delivering solutions around the globe for over a decade. During that time, they have collaborated with some of the most prestigious organizations on the planet. True to our vision, we promote the values of partnership, agility and innovation. From the very beginning, we have been firm believers in delivering a differentiated customer experience and go to extra-ordinary lengths to help our clients achieve their strategic goals. We have achieved so much but know that we have barely scratched the surface. With a team that would be the envy of any leader, we look to a future full of possibilities and potential."


"Helping people transform into their best versions.”


GREAT PEOPLEOur most important asset is Our People. It is through their dedication, commitment & ownership we will scale new horizons.

GREAT PARTNERSHIPSWe are proud of the relationships that we have with our stakeholders. We continue to strive in enabling trust-based relationships that achieve a mutually beneficial outcomes.

GREAT VALUE PROPOSITIONWe aim to bring the best in class learning experience for our clients. This includes both regional and global best practices.


Our approach is simple; we diagnose, help transform and enable sustainability. We identify underlying obstacles or opportunities and assist you in designing the perfect solution.We aim to serve employees with the skills and knowledge they need to grow in their roles while helping grow the company, as well. Once training objectives and learning outcomes are agreed upon, we ensure and pride ourselves on seamless deployment and excellence in service.

DIAGNOSEInvestigating the learning bottlenecks and areas of development needs

TRANSFORMInteractive and practical approach to help participants learn and implement best in class practices.

SUSTAINFacilitating an eco-system which allows for continuous and sustainable growth and up skilling.


CLD MENA HQ: United Arab Emirates

CareTech Community Services HQ: United Kingdom

CareTech MENA Regional Offices: United Arab Emirates & Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


We are committed to developing a business that is built on the foundations of responsibility and ethical practice that are inherent in our model, and that builds value for all of our stakeholders. In 2021, we developed our new Responsible Business Strategy
CARE4 – to help us achieve that goal.
Over 2,500 staff were recipients of a ‘Thank You’ which is the formal recognition of our Applause Programme that was launched in October 2020